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Where a seed finds life

Our Services

Out of the Ashes Live Drama Therapy Presentation

The Out of the Ashes live drama therapy presentation is theatrical expression of the relationship between father (Coley Harris) and son (Ahmarr Melton). During the three acts presentation Coley and Ahmarr gives the audience visibility into their upbringing, relationship challenges and the social emotional healing process. This presentation is an effective intervention tool to initiate conversation and delve into the emotional impact of incarceration upon the family. The presentation is followed immediately by a group processing session and Q&A.

Group Sessions

Out of the Ashes staff meets with groups of individuals using strength-based approaches, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Trauma Informed Care with in a Restorative Practices milieu. Groups are taught skills and techniques to work through incarceration –based family trauma.

One on One Sessions

Individual engagement is critical to emotional connection and development. Many of our youth are not afforded the necessary face time with qualified adults to assist them in processing the complexities of an incarcerated parent. The incarceration of a parent is a specific form of trauma that cannot be arbitrarily lump in with other traumas.  The Out of the Ashes counseling team is a fully trained and certified staff with over 10 years working with youth and young adults experiencing trauma and problem behaviors related to an incarcerated parent.

Parent Coaching

The old adage is “There is no manual to parenting.” This is true, but if you ask most parents they have learned valuable lessons from others along the way. Out of the Ashes understands the need to help people with reentering their parental role. The Out of the Ashes team provides both individual and group counseling.

Guest Lecture

The Out of the Ashes team guest lecture for various organizations to provide insight on the impact of incarceration upon parent child relationships. These talks have proven to be very informative and helpful for students, social services professionals, youth program staff and educators who work with returning citizens and their children.

Community Events

Since 2015 Out of the Ashes has partnered with local government, civic and religious organizations to provide funfilled educational experiences for communities impacted by incarceration.

Restorative Reintegration

The restoration of familial bonds is a key protective factor for both returning citizens and their children. Out of the Ashes, in conjunction with their community partners, work with families to facilitate Restorative Family Reintegration. The restorative

" For me this was a reality of the environment I was raised in. I had numerous amounts of friends and family members that had fathers that were incarcerated. I would hear from them a scaled down version when I was younger. Your play gave me the real version from an adult perspective. Thank you for creating this play for the world to know. - Vash Turner "
Vash Turner, CEO
" I encouraged every man in my life to take their sons to see the play. It's not only for Black fathers and sons's for Fathers and Sons... I salute you Coley and Ahmarr. -June Hawkins "
June Hawkins, Citizen
" But never have I been so moved by a film as I was by this one. After I reviewed it, I told our staff we had to do something we'd never done before--partner with its creators to produce a version of it that others can use in their work with dads, their children, and their families. -Chris Brown "
Chris Brown, President - N.F.I.
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We would be honored to bring this powerful and relevant presentation to your organization.
Please feel free to contact them with any questions about the power and impact

31 Golfview Drive, Suit B 4
Newark, Delaware 19702

(302) 507-4623